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A Musical Visit to Sahasra Deepika

A Musical Visit to Sahasra Deepika

Over the past 12 years, my parents have been strong supporters and well wishers of Sahasra Deepika Foundation. I have memories of visiting the ashram as a child, and my family has instilled in me the practice of keeping connections alive and making efforts to visit. This summer was no exception, as we made sure to stop by and spend some time with the girls of Sahasra Deepika. Furthermore, we’d been told about the girls’ love for music, so I decided to surprise them by bringing along a few of my instruments. I was initially elated when I found out

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Staying Calm Through the Surge

Staying Calm Through the Surge

“Take a deep breath and know that things will get better.” COVID-19’s second wave has led to havoc in India’s health care system. The steep rise in cases last month created a great strain on the country’s hospitals. Schools that were reopening prior to the surge had to go back to online lessons, and lockdowns have been imposed in many cities including Bangalore. SDIE graduate Hamsa, a 2nd-year Naturopathy student in Mysore, shares how she has coped during this stressful time. The pandemic has had a profound impact on all our lives, with many restrictions being implemented across the country.

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