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Happy Birthday Dr. Ramakrishna

Celebrating the 92nd birthday of Sahasra Deepika’s Founder

Sahasra Deepika has been founded in 1996. It became a foundation in supporting Indian girls, providing them education, nurturing them to be a good example to other people, teaching them not only lessons in school but also lessons in life. Sahasra Deepika became home to many and always providing opportunities. And this institution won’t work by itself without the founding members of Sahasra Deepika.

Whenever I’m asked about my role model, I’ve always jumped at the opportunity to talk about my grandfather, and founder of Sahasra Deepika, Dr. T.V. Ramakrishna. I call him Poppa Daddy. I’ve always known exactly how special Poppa Daddy is. His grace, wisdom, and selflessness are so genuine that it manifests itself in those around him. Poppa Daddy’s unconditional support has given me the confidence to be the young woman I am and strive to be. He’s taught me by example that we should always strive to give to others wholeheartedly, with whatever we have. I’ve learned from him the importance of speaking boldly on the things that matter, and supporting others in their efforts towards equality.

Suveda Ramakrishna with her grandfather

Poppa Daddy’s selflessness, love of education, and ability to empower are all embodied in Sahasra Deepika. Everyone at Sahasra Deepika calls Poppa Daddy “Pithaji,” which means father. He shares his love of learning and his bold attitude to life with every child there. Because of him, I’ve seen what a huge impact one can make through service, and how profoundly education can change lives. I know I’m not alone in calling him my role model, and graciously accept that I am one of many children who love and admire him. To be a part of his legacy is one of my greatest privileges, and to learn from him has been one of my most invaluable opportunities. Poppa Daddy’s big heart has changed so many lives, and I’m so grateful to witness it. Since he’s my biggest cheerleader, I love to take the opportunity to celebrate him.

Happy 92nd Birthday Poppa Daddy!

–Suveda Ramakrishna

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