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“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

How does a small non-profit consistently provide a stable, caring environment and well-rounded education for impoverished girls in Bangalore, India for over 15 years?    Especially in times of economic downturn where there is fierce competition for every charitable dollar? Mahatma Gandhi says it takes an indomitable will, but many non-profits have an indomitable will.  So what does Sahasra Deepika attribute its long-term success to? Dr. T.V Ramakrishna and his wife Vijaya have a strong vision of what they were called to do.  Over the years they have created and sustained their vision to give their students a well-rounded education and

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Reflections on a Journey to India

Reflections on a Journey to India

During my trip to India this summer, I made memories that will stay with me for a lifetime. Experiences such as seeing the Taj Mahal, visiting the orphanage I came from, and going to Sahasra Deepika are imprinted into my brain. Being adopted from India has given me a special connection with this country and the people from it. I was only two years old when I was given a new chance at life. I was adopted into a family that currently resides in West Virginia, and at the age of seventeen I went back to India to see my

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Commitment to Social and Emotional Development

Engagement as a prerequisite to learning is obvious right? Depends on your definition of engagement. Educational researchers and psychologists studying education define engagement as: behavioral motivation ( a student’s participation in learning) emotional engagement ( a student’s attitudes, interests and values) cognitive engagement ( the student’s willingness to exert effort). Researchers generally agree that learning is inherently social-it happens in the context of interactions and relationships with teachers, peers, family, and others. The literature on social and emotional engagement stems back to Vygotsky’s view that the process of learning is at once individual and sociocultural, and includes research from the

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