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Holiday Wishes from Sahasra Deepika

by Dec 24, 2014Blog

Holiday Wishes from Sahasra Deepika | SDIE
Every year is a fruitful year for Sahasra Deepika. We have been helping more and more for the time being and it was the moment where we are in our best. Knowing that we are able to do something for the girls in Bangalore, it was enough for us. Seeing them succeed in life is something that we really look forward to. You ARE a girl, and not JUST a girl. You have the qualities to change the world, and you don’t need anyone to tell you that you can’t.

This holiday season, we want to take the time to thank all of our donors for their amazing generosity. Your donations help provide education, food, healthcare, clothing and residential care  to so many children at Sahasra Deepika.

But you also provide so much more.

You provide hope. You provide a future. You give these children a peaceful environment where they can thrive and a place to make their dreams become a reality. We cannot express how thankful we are for that.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

This holiday song speaks to the generosity of our donors, who are spreading peace and being the catalysts for change. There’s much progress to be made to ensure that girls worldwide receive a safe and quality education, but know that your generosity is a building block of change.

From our founders, Dr. T.V. and Mrs. Vijaya Ramakrishna, and all of us at Sahasra Deepika, we send you our wishes for a holiday full of the peace and love which you have so generously shared with our students.

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