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“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

by Sep 25, 2013Blog

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. | SDIE

How does a small non-profit consistently provide a stable, caring environment and well-rounded education for impoverished girls in Bangalore, India for over 15 years?    Especially in times of economic downturn where there is fierce competition for every charitable dollar?

Mahatma Gandhi says it takes an indomitable will, but many non-profits have an indomitable will.  So what does Sahasra Deepika attribute its long-term success to? Dr. T.V Ramakrishna and his wife Vijaya have a strong vision of what they were called to do.  Over the years they have created and sustained their vision to give their students a well-rounded education and stable upbringing while instilling the importance of integrity and service, which empowers the students to productively, participate in their communities and ultimately shape the future of our world.  They have very effectively inspired others within India and outside of the country, to believe and join them in their mission.

But to keep an organization operational for the long term it takes more than just a strong vision to ensure success.  An organization must also be able to adapt.  At Sahasra Deepika the board and staff continuously revisit and refine to improve program management practices in response to what works and what does not work so well.

The Sahasra Deepika foundation is also a very resourceful organization and they thoroughly assess their finances, keeping a watchful eye on the relationship of revenues to costs. While it is imperative to measure how much you do and the costs of your efforts, Sahasra Deepika also focuses on the impact of their programs on the children they serve.  It is more than just the cost efficiency, how many children are served, but also the cost effectiveness, the cost per number of children going on to receive a higher education.

So how will we ensure success in the next 15 years?  By maintaining focus on the vision, continuing to be financially disciplined, intentionally measuring results against our goals and acquiring the resources necessary to eventually bring the founders’ vision to scale.

So, for 15 years of success and positive impact on the lives of girls in Bangalore I salute Dr. Ramakrishna and his wife Vijaya.  And to all of you who, like me, have embraced their vision, I invite you to join us in Washington DC on November 9th to celebrate the past 15 years.  We have the opportunity to join the Ramakrishnas in taking the baton and running full steam into the next wonderful phase of impacting our world, one child at a time.

Dana Hutson

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