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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Through Education, Care, and Hope

Sahasra Deepika means a thousand lights of hope, love and compassion for children in need.

Sahasra Deepika Provides

Residential Care

Residential Care

Provides special residential care for improvised girls in Banglore, India.



Conduct and enrichment and outreach community programs for children outside our campus.

Community Connections

Community Connections

Partnerships with local educators, business, and community leaders to provide resources and mentoring the youth and other members of Sahasra Deepika.



Education through high school, and support for higher studies.

Our Programs

Who We Are

Sahasra Deepika Institute

Sahasra Deepika Institute provides a stable, caring environment and well-rounded education for 65 girls from kindergarten to 10th standard.

Who We Are

Outreach Program

The Outreach Program, annually serves 2500 9th standard students who attend Kannada language, government high schools in low-income areas of Bangalore.

Who We Are

Deeksha High

“Deeksha High is the school located on our campus for students from kindergarten through 10th grade. It is the result of our partnership with Academic Center for Excellence”

Who We Are

Womens Empowerment

Sahasra Deepika’s Women’s Empowerment Program is focused on fostering a dialogue around a very important issue: the high drop-out rate for girls in India.

Our Story

Sahasra Deepika is a grassroots organization, founded on the belief that each and every one of us can make a difference in the life of a child. For 21 years we have provided residential care and education to girls from destitute backgrounds on our 4 acre campus in Bangalore, India. Our Outreach Program has provided English tutoring to women to thousands of high school students in the community. Through outreach to women in the community and many other programs, we inform and elevate women and girls in India and around the world.

Changing lives one child at a time

Sahasra Deepika, which means a thousand lights, is a non-profit foundation that houses and educates underprivileged children in Bangalore, India. Our students are encouraged to develop their intellectual, social, and academic potential so that they can feel self-empowered and contribute to the community at large.


Changemakers Interview Series Episode 1

Meet Hello South Asians, an innovative organization working to promote public health by combating misinformation about COVID-19. Their infographics and social media shareables are currently available in 20 languages.

Changemakers Interview Series Episode 2

Join Neha and Shanthi for a discussion with sisters Malavika and Deepika Kannan. These inspiring young women have already made a huge impact in their communities.

A Message During the COVID-19 Quarantine

Sahara Deepika’s college students recorded a special message of hope during the pandemic.

Bee the Future

The award-winning film about the 2016 Sahasra Deepika Spelling Bee.

Rich Man

A 48-hour film project about Dr. T.V. Ramakrishna, Founder of Sahasra Deepika

International Day of the Girl 2020

Sahasra Deepika’s graduates share their reflections on International Day of the Girl 2020.

Latest News

A Musical Visit to Sahasra Deepika

Over the past 12 years, my parents have been strong supporters and well wishers of Sahasra Deepika Foundation. I have memories of visiting the ashram as a child, and my family has instilled in me the practice of keeping connections alive and making efforts to visit....

Staying Calm Through the Surge

"Take a deep breath and know that things will get better." COVID-19's second wave has led to havoc in India's health care system. The steep rise in cases last month created a great strain on the country's hospitals. Schools that were reopening prior to the surge had...

COVID-19 Support to Local Clinic

As the number of COVID-19 cases increases, Medical Officer Dr. Latha from the Government Primary Health Center in Jigani, Karnataka, requested Sahasra Deepika co-Founder, Mrs. Vijaya Ramakrishna, to provide medicine for home isolation kits for patients and PPE to...

Get Involved

Become A Volunteer

Inspire the next generation and support Sahasra Deepika! Many volunteer opportunities are available in the US and India. Assist with an event, spread the word about our work. Connect your youth or school group with our students. Together we can help more children achieve!

Latest Blog

A Musical Visit to Sahasra Deepika

Over the past 12 years, my parents have been strong supporters and well wishers of Sahasra Deepika Foundation. I have memories of visiting the ashram as a child, and my family has instilled in me the practice of keeping connections alive and making efforts to visit....

Staying Calm Through the Surge

"Take a deep breath and know that things will get better." COVID-19's second wave has led to havoc in India's health care system. The steep rise in cases last month created a great strain on the country's hospitals. Schools that were reopening prior to the surge had...

COVID-19 Support to Local Clinic

As the number of COVID-19 cases increases, Medical Officer Dr. Latha from the Government Primary Health Center in Jigani, Karnataka, requested Sahasra Deepika co-Founder, Mrs. Vijaya Ramakrishna, to provide medicine for home isolation kits for patients and PPE to...

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